D 相关例句
vitamin d维生素D(抗佝偻病维生素);钙化醇
big d大D城
r and d abbr. 研究发展(Research and Development)
d minor[音]d小调
用作名词(n.)- Why is the letter “D” like a bad boy?
Low serum levels of vitamin D are associated with anxiety in children and adolescents with dialysisFourier decomposition and frequency analysis of the pulsating stars with 1 d in the OGLE database - II. Multiperiodic RR Lyrae varia...Découverte de Granier et Braik, 2002 (algue dasycladale) dans le Kimméridgien inférieur du bassin d'Essaouira (marge atlantique m...II. Account
of John Drysdale, D. D.Localisation Absolue par Mono-caméra d'un Véhicule en Milieu Urbain via l'utilisation de Street ViewCustomer activation system for cellular networkStochastic Relaxation, Gibbs Distributions, and the Bayesian Restoration of ImagesMicroRNAs: genomics, biogenesis, mechanism, and ...Measuring inconsistency in meta-analysesEvidence for a protein domain superfamily shared by the cyclins, TFIIB and RB/p107.