EV 基本解释
abbr.El Salvador 萨尔瓦多;
n.a unit of energy equal to the work done by an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt同义词:electron volt
EV 相关例句
Hartree-Slater subshell photoionization cross-sections at 1254 and 1487 eVX-Ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92The population ecology of contemporary adaptations: what empirical studies reveal about the conditions that promote adaptive evolutionDielectric functions and optical parameters of Si, Ge, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb from 1.5 to 6.0 eVSheldon BC, Verhulst SE. Ecological immunology: costly parasite defences and trade-offs in evolutionary ecology. Trends Ecol Evol 11...Risks for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes associated with the metabolic syndrome: a summary of the evidence.Transurethral prostatectomy: immediate and postoperative complications. A cooperative study of 13 participating institutions evaluat...Treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with genetically targeted autologous T cells: case report of an unforeseen adverse event i...Blockade of interleukin 6 trans signaling suppresses T-cell resistance against apoptosis in chronic intestinal inflammation: evidenc...American society of clinical oncology (ASCO). 1006 update recommendations for the use of white blood cell growth factors: An evidenc...