Wu 相关例句
daniel wu吴彦祖(中国男明星)
用作名词(n.)- Guiyang is on a tributary of the Wu River in the center of the Guizhou province.
吴 粲 Nobori T, Miura K, Wu DJ, Lois A, Takabayashi K, Carson DADeletions of the cyclin-dependent kinase-4 inhibitor gene in multiple huma...Towards the Deeper History the Creation Background of Tang Legend the Legend of Wu ShuangWu Yigong in the Eye of the CriticsIntramolecular interactions regulate SAP97 binding to GKAP.Synthesis of graphene-based nanosheets via chemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxideOne‐Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and ApplicationsQuantum Dots for Live Cells, In Vivo Imaging, and diagnosticsMultiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas SystemsOne-Dimensional Nanostructures: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications †