Abu Simbel
英:[ˌɑ:bu:ˈsɪmbəl, -bel] 美: [ˌɑbuˈsɪmbəl, -bɛl]
Abu Simbel 基本解释
释义阿布辛拜尔神庙(埃及南部尼罗河沿岸一村庄。是可追溯到公元前 1250年的巨岩庙宇的所在地,为了避免被阿斯旺大坝的洪水淹没曾被加高(1964-1966年) );
Abu Simbel 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Proclaiming his power to neighboring Nubians, Ramses II of Dynasty XIX had this huge temple hewn out of rock at Abu Simbel.
ABU SIMBELABU SIMBELABU SIMBELAm Nil entlang (Tischkalender 2014 DIN A5 quer)The Grea Rock Temple of Abu-Semibel, Nubia, EgyptVestibul of rock Cut Temple at Abu-Simble. Egypt.Aboo Simbel: The Small Temple Facade, Egypt.Abu Simbel , Nermine ChoukryPhotographs by Farid Atiya , 9789771746461 , 9771746464 , Oxford University Press CanadaAbu Simbel, la montaña pura de los faraonesAbu Simbel-Mısır Firavunu II. Ramses için yapılan iki tapınağın bulunduğu yerAbou-Simbel ou Abu Simbel Site archéologique de Haute-Égypte.Abu Simbel - Geschichte.Abu Simbel: Le temple de Nefertari.