abusing 基本解释
v.妄用( abuse的现在分词 );虐待;辱骂;
n.(名词)[U][S]滥用; 妄用 wrong use; the use of sth in a way that is wrong or harmful
[U][P]虐待 unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb
[U]辱骂; 恶语 unkind, cruel, or rude words; rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry
[C]陋习; 弊端 an unjust or harmful custom
v.(动词)vt. 滥用; 妄用 make bad use of sth, or use so much of sth that it harms your health; use power or knowledge unfairly or wrongly
vt. 虐待 physically hurt; treat a person or an animal in a cruel or violent way, especially sexually
vt. 辱骂 make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb
n.cruel or inhumane treatment同义词:maltreatmentill-treatmentill-usage
a rude expression intended to offend or hurt"when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"
improper or excessive use同义词:misuse
v.treat badly"This boss abuses his workers"
change the inherent purpose or function of something"Don't abuse the system"
use foul or abusive language towards"The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"
use wrongly or improperly or excessively"Her husband often abuses alcohol"; "while she was pregnant, she abused drugs"
abusing 相关例句
用作名词 (n.)动词+~- direct abuse against辱骂
- heap abuse on sb肆意谩骂某人
- hurl abuse at谩骂
- keep abuse on对…破口大骂
- shout abuse破口大骂
- shower abuse on sb痛骂某人
- take abuse挨骂
- check abuses防止弊病
- correct an abuse匡正时弊; 纠正陋习
- curb abuses防止弊病
- eliminate abuses根除弊端
- expose contemporary social abuses揭露社会时弊
- prevent abuses防治弊病
- reform abuses革除弊端
- remedy an abuse匡正时弊; 纠正陋习
- root up abuses根除弊端
- wipe out abuses根除弊端
- put an end to abuses废止恶习
形容词+~- crying abuse亟待根除的弊端
- foul-mouthed abuse下流的谩骂
- horrifying abuse可怕的虐待
- personal abuse人身攻击
- physical abuse肉体摧残
- sexual abuse性虐待
- shocking abuse骇人听闻的虐待
- verbal abuse口头辱骂
名词+~- alcohol abuse酗酒
- drug abuse嗜毒
- child abuse虐待儿童
- election abuses选举舞弊
介词+~- a shower of abuse一顿大骂
- a stream of abuse不停地骂
- a word of abuse骂人话
~+介词- abuse of authority滥用权力
- abuse of health糟蹋健康
- abuse of privileges滥用特权
- abuse of the word被滥用的词
- abuse of trust滥用信任
- abuses of the age时弊
用作动词 (v.)~+名词- abuse one's authority滥用权力
- abuse one's office滥用职权
- abuse one's power滥用权力
- abuse one's privileges滥用特权
- abuse sb's confidence辜负了某人的信任
- abuse sb's kindness辜负某人的一片好心
- abuse one's eyes使用眼睛不当
- abuse people骂人
drug abuse药物滥用;毒品滥用
child abuse虐待儿童,摧残儿童
substance abuse物质滥用;滥用药物
sexual abuse性虐待
abuse of power滥用权力
alcohol abuse酒精滥用,酗酒
physical abuse躯体虐待;身体伤害;外观损坏
verbal abuse言语虐待;口头谩骂;说粗话,用污言秽语
sex abuse 性虐待(等于sexual abuse)
emotional abuse精神虐待
用作名词(n.)- The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题。 - His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.
他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。 - He greeted me with a stream of abuse.
用作及物动词(vt.)- It's easy to abuse one's power.
人容易滥用权力。 - I don't consider it good for a person to be afraid of being abused.
一个人怕挨骂,我看不好。 - He abused his wife and children.
Disulfiram therapy in patients abusing cocaine and alcohol.A randomized trial of treatment options for alcohol-abusing workers.Enhanced sensitivity to benzodiazepines in active cocaine-abusing subjects: a PET study.Multisystemic treatment of substance-abusing and dependent delinquents: outcomes, treatment fidelity, and transportability.Four-year follow-up of multisystemic therapy with substance-abusing and substance-dependent juvenile offendersThe timeline followback reports of psychoactive substance use by drug-abusing patients: psychometric propertiesPsychiatric comorbidity and the 16-month trajectory of substance-abusing and substance-dependent juvenile offenders.Relational Psychotherapy Mothers' Group: a randomized clinical trial for substance abusing mothers.A Preliminary Trial of Twelve-Step Facilitation and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy With Polysubstance-Abusing Methadone-Maintaine...Predicting rejection of her infant from mother's representation of her own experience: Implications for the abused-abusing intergene...