accretes 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar matter, or is close to another "normal"star, the black hole can accrete matter into itself.
How the Outdoors Advertisement Accretes with Commercial Street Sight in Historical CityWD accretes material from companion Two WDs mergeOrigine et mise en place de temoins accretes du plateau oceanique caraibe en republique dominicaine (grandes antilles)Gamma Rays from Cygnus X-1: Eight-year-old satellite data has provided new insight into how matter accretes into a black hole; the s...Evolution of a white dwarf that accretes hydrogen-rich matter IICommon sense tells us or ought to tell us not to believe the pre-release gossip that accretes around expensive, commercially c...Paleozoic Continental Accretions in Central Asia Around Junggar Block: New Structural and Geochronological DataIce Accretions on High-Voltage Conductors and Insulators and Related PhenomenaErratum to “Effects of ice accretions on aircraft aerodynamics” : [Prog. Aerospace Sci. 37 (2001) 669–767]Accumulation of arsenic from acidic mine waters by ferruginous bacterial accretions (stromatolites)