afforestation construction
英:[əˌfɔrisˈteiʃən kənˈstrʌkʃən]
afforestation construction 基本解释
afforestation construction 相关例句
Application of GIS in afforestation plan and design information system constructionThe Development Trends of Three Dimonsonal Afforestation in Foreign Ecological City ConstructionConstruction of the Afforestation Expert System Based on ASP.NETManagement Information System Construction of Removal Lands From Cultivation for AfforestationStudies on the afforestation pattern construction of ecological-environment along the Grand Canal in YangzhouConstruction of the afforestation pattern with scenic forest on the banks of the Grand Canal in YangzhouConstruction and management of urban park afforestationBrief discussion on ecological construction of urban residential afforestationAfforestation design and plant selection for freeway constructionDiscusses the Botanical Garden Afforestation Project Construction and the Maintenance Management