a fresh order 基本解释
a fresh order 相关例句
On a New Jelly-Fish of the Order Trachomedusæ, Living in Fresh WaterFRESH: A Higher-Order Language with Unification and Multiple ResultsFRESH: A Higher-Order Language With Unification and Multiple ResultsA First-Order SCA Resistant AES Without Fresh RandomnessWhen the appellate court takes fresh evidence in a civil case, should the court dispose of the case immediately or order a new trial?A fresh look at the photoelectron spectrum of bromobenzene: A third-order non-Dyson electron propagator study[Research on a germ of the family of Pseudomonadaceae (order of Pseudomonadeae) Erwinia nimipressularis isolated from a fresh sausage]Device for vacuum-packing a product in an airtight container in order to keep the product fresh longerA fresh look at factorization breaking in diffractive photoproduction of dijets at HERA at next-to-leading order QCDDevelopment of the Mail-Order Farm-Fresh Produce Business : A Case Study of the Parcel Postal Delivery of Cherries in Yamagata Prefe...