Aleutians 相关例句
Aleutians s阿留申群岛
Aleutians Campaign阿留申群岛战役
the Aleutians阿留申群岛
aleutians east borough alaska东阿留申自治市镇
Aleutians East Borough东阿留申自治市镇
Aleutians West Census Area西阿留申人口普查区
Report from the Aleutians 阿留申群岛战役报告 ; 来自阿留申群岛的报告
Of course,unlike withtheAleutians,airlinescan'texactly justgoaroundcontinental Europe.
Aspartofthetreaty, the United Statespledgednot toexpanditsnavalfacilitiesinthe Philippines,Guam,WakeIsland,ortheAleutians.
Breedingterritoryspanshalfthe globe,fromIcelandtotheAleutians.
Fractionation paths of Atka (Aleutians) high-alumina basalts: Constraints from phase relationsA double Benioff Zone beneath the central Aleutians: An unbending of the lithosphereSlab melting in the Aleutians: implications of an ion probe study of clinopyroxene in primitive adakite and basaltVolcanoes as possible indicators of tectonic stress orientation — Aleutians and AlaskaA U-series study of lavas from Kamchatka and the Aleutians: constraints on source composition and melting processesGeochemistry of primary and least fractionated lavas from Okmok Volcano, Central Aleutians: Implications for arc magmagenesisGeochemistry of primary and least fractionated lavas from Okmok Volcano, Central Aleutians: Implications for arc magmagenesisAftershock zones of great earthquakes, seismicity gaps, and earthquake prediction for Alaska and the AleutiansMagnesian Andesites and the Subduction Component in a Strongly Calc-Alkaline Series at Piip Volcano, Far Western AleutiansIsotopic and incompatible element constraints on the genesis of island arc volcanics from Cold Bay and Amak Island, Aleutians, and i...