Alps 相关例句
bavarian alps巴伐利亚山脉;巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脉
用作名词(n.)- We went backpacking in the Alps.
我们背着背包游览阿尔卑斯山脉。 - The band has admitted using it as an excuse to travel to exotic places, including the Bahamas and the Swiss Alps.
A reference river system for the Alps: the ‘Fiume Tagliamento’Lateral extrusion in the eastern Alps, PArt 2: Structural analysisA precipitation climatology of the Alps from high‐resolution rain‐gauge observationsPotential Impact of Climate Change on Vegetation in the European Alps: A ReviewMolecular evidence for glacial refugia of mountain plants in the European Alps.From the Western Alps across Central Europe: Postglacial recolonisation of the tufa stream specialist Rhyacophila pubescens (Insect...Coesite and pure pyrope in high-grade blueschists of the Western Alps: a first record and some consequencesClimatic and Environmental Influences on Mountain Pine (Pinus montana Miller) Growth in the Central Italian AlpsSignals of range expansions and contractions of vascular plants in the high Alps: observations (1994-2004) at the GLORIA * master si...Downscaling of general circulation model outputs: simulation of the snow climatology of the French Alps and sensitivity to climate c...