analog input
英:[ˈænəˌlɔ:g ˈinput] 美: [ˈænəˌlɔɡ ˈɪnˌpʊt]
analog input 基本解释
analog input 相关例句
- Analog inputs and their microphone preamps draw current whether they are idle or active.
耗电量还与模拟输入和他们的话筒放大电路是否待机或者被使用中有关。 - These models use a simulated input transducer that vibrates purely sinusoidally with a fixed frequency.
ANALOG INPUTanalog inputAnalog InputART 2: self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patterns.System for self-organization of stable category recognition codes for analog input patternsART 2: Stable Self-organization of Pattern Recognition Codes for Analog Input PatternsAnalog-input digital phase-locked loops for precise frequency and phase demodulationAnalog-input analog-weight dot-product operation with Ag/a-Si/Pt memristive devicesANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTING APPARATUS FOR PROCESSING A PLURALITY OF ANALOG INPUT SIGNALS AT HIGH RATE AND DISPLAY DEVICE USING THE ...Analog input device physical characteristicsReal-time analog input device using breath pressure for the operation of powered wheelchairAn analog input/output microprocessor for signal processingValidity of using a fixed analog input for evaluating the SEU sensitivity of a flash analog-to-digital converter