antiabortion 相关例句
"GeorgeTillerwas amass murderer, "saidtheantiabortionextremistRandallTerryafterthedoctorwas murderedinthe lobby of his church.
Ifthese sorts of prosecutionsaren’twhattheantiabortionmovementhad in mind whenitpushedwaveafterwaveofstate-levellegislation,nowmightbeagoodtime to speak up.
Theantiabortionmovementlikes toseeitselfaspro-woman.
Anti-abortion protest draws over 1 million in SpainA Mission Born of a Sense of Overwhelming GratitudeTargets of HatredUnborn baby may die after car accident pregnant driver may be paralyzed before most recent times, the report of such an accident mig...Supreme Court rejects another anti-choice appeal in racketeering suit.Glossary of Demographic TermsUS may drop anti-abortion line at UN conference[Importance of the marriage structure in predicting abortion]ANTIABORTIONThe right's reasons: constitutional conflict and the spread of woman-protective antiabortion argument