antichoice 基本解释
antichoice 相关例句
Countering Antichoice Forces in EuropeAntichoice attitudes to abortion in women presenting for medical abortions.Keeping It All in the Family: Europe's Antichoice MovementEvaluating antichoice claims-making through analysis of state-level policies and outcomes ☆Abortion providers’ resilience to antichoice tactics in the United States and CanadaMisconceptions about abortion risks in prochoice and antichoice women having abortionsTrying to Hijack the Civil Rights Legacy: What's Behind the Antichoice "Freedom Rides"Sex, lies and Lithuania: a misinformation campaign by antichoice advocates threatens common sense health problemsExamining relationships between ambivalent sexism and antichoice attitudes: implications for reproductive rights and policyCounteracting the Antichoice Threat in Eastern Europe: Women's Groups Know from Bitter Experience That States Are Too Willing to Pay...