antral 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The stomach can be divided into fundus, body, and antrum.
Antral follicle counts by transvaginal ultrasonography are related to age in women with proven natural fertilityAntral follicle count, anti-mullerian hormone and inhibin B: predictors of ovarian response in assisted reproductive technology?THE CONSTITUTION AND PROPERTIES OF TWO GASTRINS EXTRACTED FROM HOG ANTRAL MUCOSA.Characterization of a gastrin releasing peptide from porcine non-antral gastric tissue.Antral follicle count in the prediction of poor ovarian response and pregnancy after in vitro fertilization: a meta-analysis and com...Development of human primordial follicles to antral stages in SCID/hpg mice stimulated with follicle stimulating hormone.The role of antimullerian hormone in prediction of outcome after IVF: comparison with the antral follicle countCampylobacter pyloridis-associated chronic active antral gastritis. A prospective study of its prevalence and the effects of antibac...Fertilization and developmental competence of bovine oocytes derived from different categories of antral folliclesThe microenvironment of the human antral follicle: interrelationships among the steroid levels in antral fluid, the population of gr...