apples and oranges 基本解释
apples and oranges 相关例句
Apples and oranges?APPLES AND ORANGESApples and Oranges?COMPARING APPLES AND ORANGESOntology of Folksonomy: A Mash-Up of Apples and OrangesEndoscopic management of bile duct stones; (apples and oranges)Comparing apples and oranges …Apples and oranges revisited : contextualized comparisons and the study of comparative labor politicsMesenchymal stem cell preparations--comparing apples and oranges.Folksonomy of Ontology: A Mash-up of Apples and OrangesOf apples and oranges, file drawers and garbage: why validity issues in meta-analysis will not go away.Assisted Living and Nursing Homes: Apples and Oranges?Apples and oranges revisited: contextualized comparisons and the study of comparative labor politics