arc boutant
英:[ˌɑ:bu:ˈtɑ:ŋ] 美: [ˌɑrbuˈtɑŋ]
arc boutant 基本解释
arc boutant
n.a buttress that stands apart from the main structure and connected to it by an arch同义词:flying buttressarc-boutant
arc boutant 相关例句
ARC-BOUTANT ou ARCBOUTANT - Dictionnaire Littré.Manual gearbox ratio change control devicePour mon bien - Cairn.infoPour mon bienFrance – Immigration : « 24 heures sans nous »MACHINE FOR PRODUCING CARDBOARD CUTOUTSEtude de l'empreinte chromosomique au locus sexuel mat1 chez la levure Schizosaccharomyces pombeMeasurements of the branching fractions of exclusive charmless B meson decays with eta(') or omega mesonsMeasurement of time-dependent CP-violating asymmetries in B0-->K*0gamma(K*0-->K(0)Spi0) decays.A search for CP violation and a measurement of the relative branching fraction in $D^+ \to K^-K^+\pi^+$ decays