areic 相关例句
areic mass面质量
areic charge面积电荷
areic region无河流域
areic electric current面积电流
areic heat flow rate面积热流量
areicSurface roughness of InP after N+2 bombardment : Ion areic dose dependence[Areic production and height of the culture]. [Italian]Surface chemical analysis. Proposed procedure for certifying the retained areic dose in a working reference material produced by ion...[Areic production and height of the culture]Fast dissipation of Alfvén waves in 3D force-free magnetic structuresMicroscopic Vizualizaion of Protoplast Formation and Regeneration of Bacillus sphareicusKeeping hot chips cool: are IC thermal problems hot air?Keeping hot chips cool: are IC thermal problems hot air?Treatment of aregeneratoric anemia following an ABO-incompatible allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: a case report