Asheville 相关例句
Asheville Tourists 尔旅行者 ; 旅行者队
NC Asheville爱序山庄
East Asheville东阿什维尔
UNC Asheville北卡罗来纳大学阿什维尔校区
West Asheville位于啊什维尔
Downtown Asheville啊什维尔市中心
asheville school 阿什维尔中学 ; 阿什维尔学校 ; 美国阿什维尔中学
Asheville Altitude 尔高地队 ; 阿什维尔高度队
Asheville Mall距离阿什维尔购物中心
Andshethinks itwill beeasier getting showings inAshevillethanin thehypercompetitiveNew Yorkartscene.
A couple of monthsago,Marianainformedussheplanned toquit herpublishingjobso thatshecouldmovetoAsheville, N.C., whereshewillsharearoomwithafriend.
Whilethosejobs willlastonlya fewweeks,theypay well -- starting pay of $22anhourinexpensivecitiessuchasSan Francisco; $11.50 in less-costlylocalessuchasAsheville,North Carolina.
The asheville project: short-term outcomes of a community pharmacy diabetes care program.The asheville project: long-term clinical and economic outcomes of a community pharmacy diabetes care programThe Asheville Project: long-term clinical, humanistic, and economic outcomes of a community-based medication therapy management prog...The Asheville Project: Clinical and economic outcomes of a community-based long-term medication therapy management program for hyper...Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes, Asheville, NC, USA, 3–6 June 1997 Breakout Group A: StormsWorkshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes: Asheville, NC, USA, 3–6 June 1997 Breakout Group B: PrecipitationWorkshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes: Asheville, NC, USA, 3–6 June 1997 Breakout Group B: PrecipitationWorkshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes, Asheville, NC, USA, 3–6 June 1997 Breakout Group C: Temperature Indices fo...Workshop on Indices and Indicators for Climate Extremes, Asheville, NC, USA, 3–6 June 1997 Breakout Group C: Temperature Indices fo...Proceedings of the Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, December 5-8, 1993, The Grove Park Inn and Country Club...