ASPS 基本解释
abbr.Anti-Submarining Protection System (防潜保护系统);[医]alveolar soft part sarcoma 软组织腺泡状肉瘤,泡状软组织肉瘤;
ASPS 相关例句
From asps to allegations: biological warfare in history.刺五加多糖(ASPS)对小鼠免疫功能的影响AMPLIFIED SEQUENCE POLYMORPHISMS (ASPs)aspS encoding an unusual aspartyl protease from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is expressed during phytopathogenesis.On the affinities of the burrowing asps Atractaspis (Serpentes: Atractaspididae)Gene expression profiling of alveolar soft-part sarcoma (ASPS)Pooled genome-wide linkage data on 424 ADHD ASPs suggests genetic heterogeneity and a common risk locus at 5p13Identification and characterization of novel small RNAs in the aspS-yrvM intergenic region of the Bacillus subtilis genome.Simultaneous analysis of multiple polymorphic loci using amplified sequence polymorphisms (ASPs).Hookworm burden reductions in BALB/c mice vaccinated with recombinant Ancylostoma secreted proteins (ASPs) from Ancylostoma duodenal...