assessment center
英:[əˈsesmənt ˈsentə] 美: [əˈsɛsmənt ˈsɛntɚ]
assessment center 基本解释
Assessment center
An assessment center (AC) is a process used in the selection of candidated for a job in an organization. It employs a variety of techniques and multiple observers in a closed setting.以上来源于:Wikipedia
assessment center 相关例句
- He started the Aquatic Research and Environmental Assessment Center at Brooklyn College in New York.
Assessment CenterAssessment CenterAssessment CenterMeta-analysis of assessment center validity.WHY DO ASSESSMENT CENTERS WORK? THE PUZZLE OF ASSESSMENT CENTER VALIDITYThe assessment center in the measurement of potential for business management.A SURVEY OF ASSESSMENT CENTER PRACTICES IN ORGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATESConstructs and assessment center dimensions: Some troubling empirical findings.Guidelines and ethical considerations for Assessment Center operationsA META‐ANALYSIS OF THE CRITERION‐RELATED VALIDITY OF ASSESSMENT CENTER DIMENSIONSDimension and exercise variance in assessment center scores: a large-scale evaluation of multitrait-multimethod studies.SELF‐ VERSUS OTHERS' RATINGS AS PREDICTORS OF ASSESSMENT CENTER RATINGS: VALIDATION EVIDENCE FOR 360‐DEGREE FEEDBACK PROGRAMSValues predicting leader performance in the U.S. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Assessment Center: evidence for a personality-m...