英:['ɒskəlt] 美: ['ɒskəlt]
auscult 相关例句
auscultAuscult the skin, not the sweaterDéfinition: AUSCULTÉ, -ÉE, participe passé et adjectif."... teach the student how to auscultate apical rates while feeling the radial pulse."Carotid artery bruit: is it safe and effective to auscultate the neck?Physical assessment by nurses: A study of nurses' use of chest auscult...Os manuais escolares, a construção de saberes e a autonomia do aluno. Auscultação a alunos e professoresCongenital Heart Disease Screening by Ultrasonic Cardiogram for Cerebral Palsy Children with Cardiac Souffle in Cardiac AuscultationEvaluation of Physical Characteristics of Arteria Brachialis Wall by Three Component Model : Using of Blood Pressure by Auscultation...Proceedings of the Third Academic Sessions Remote controlled bioacoustics analyzer as a teaching and diagnostic tool in auscultation...