英:[ɔ:tɒk'θɒnɪk] 美: [ɔtɒk'θɒnɪk]
autochthonic 基本解释
autochthonic[ ɔ:'tɔkθənəl, ,ɔ:tɔk'θɔnik ]
adj.originating where it is found同义词:autochthonalautochthonousendemicindigenous
autochthonic 相关例句
autochthonicautochthonicautochthonican autochthonic scent of memory?Autochthonic Mediterranean spotted fever in West Germany.Autochthonic and allochthonic plant detritus as zoobenthos habitat in anthropogenic woodland pondsBiological Activity of Autochthonic Bacterial Community in Oil-Contaminated Soil:Variations in δ 18 O, δD, and the concentration of pollen and spores in an autochthonic heterogeneous massive ice on the Erkutayah...Variations in δ18О, δD, and the concentration of pollen and spores in an autochthonic heterogeneous massive ice on the Erkutayah...Influence of oligomeric herbicidal ionic liquids with MCPA and Dicamba anions on the community structure of autochthonic bacteria pr...