automatic weigher
英:[ˌɔ:təˈmætik ˈweiə]
automatic weigher 基本解释
automatic weigher 相关例句
Automatic weigherAutomatic weigherAutomatic weigherAutomatic grain weigher and registerAutomatic Combination Weigher for Product FoodsMethods of Verifying Continuous Automatic Belt Weighers: State and ProspectsRESEARCN OF MODEL OF AUTOMATIC CHECWEIGHERAPPLICATION OF NUCLEONIC BELT WEIGHERIN BLENDING YARD AUTOMATIC PROPORTIONING SYSTEMDynamic programming algorithms for producing food mixture packages by automatic combination weighers3A1 PSEUDO-POLYNOMIAL TIME ALGORITHMS FOR FOOD MIXTURE PACKING BY AUTOMATIC COMBINATION WEIGHERS(Technical Session 3A: Combinatorial...Development and performance evaluation of servo based PLC operated grain automatic weigher for Flour mill industryThe Analysis on Weighing Mechanics of BCD-100 Automatic Packing WeigherModification practices of automatic ore-feeding system based on the measurement of nucleon weigher