英:[əˈvestə] 美: [əˈvɛstə]
avesta 基本解释
avesta[ ə'vestə ]
n.a collection of Zoroastrian texts gathered during the 4th or 6th centuries同义词:Zend-Avesta
avesta 相关例句
Les noms-racines de l'Avesta
The Achaemenids and the Avesta
The Transmission of the Avesta /
Zend-Avesta oder über die Dinge des Himmels und des Jenseits
AVESTA 654 SMO™ – A new nitrogen‐enhanced superaustenitic stainless steel
On the Literary Structure of the Older Avesta
The siemens-avesta-system for computer-aided design of MOS-standard cell circuits
Ahura Mazdā and Ārmaiti, Heaven and Earth, in the Old Avesta
Oxidation of potential SOFC interconnect materials, Crofer 22 APU and Avesta 353 MA, in dry and humid air studied in situ by X-ray d...
Determining the Potential Independent Critical Pitting Temperature (CPT) by a Potentiostatic Method Using the Avesta Cell