axis of evil 相关例句
- President Bush was a tough talker when he wanted to be, for example when he called the DPRK and Iran the axis of evil.
布什总统可以说是一个说话严厉的人,比如他称朝鲜和伊朗为邪恶轴心。 - Incensed at not being included in the original"Axis of Evil,"France refuses to participate.
Axis of EvilAxis of evilAxis of evilEMT, cancer stem cells and drug resistance: an emerging axis of evil in the war on cancerAxis of evil: molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis.Mortality salience, martyrdom, and military might: the great satan versus the axis of evil.The Axis of Evil revisitedThe axis of evilHER-2, notch, and breast cancer stem cells: targeting an axis of evilAsymmetric dimethylarginine and symmetric dimethylarginine: axis of evil or useful alliance?PROGRESS IN UREMIC TOXIN RESEARCH: Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and Symmetric Dimethylarginine: Axis of Evil or Useful Alliance?Local Pancake Defeats Axis of EvilHypoxic stress and cancer: imaging the axis of evil in tumor metastasis.