axseed 相关例句
axseed oil亚麻籽油
Effect of dietary axseed on broiler growthPromoting better health with axseed in breadPilot evaluation of axseed for the management of hot ashesThe role of axseed lignans in hormone-dependent and independent cancerFllaxseed and its oil lowers cholesterol in ovariectomized Golden Syrian hamster[On the anatomy of two ecological forms of axseed]. [Russian]The in uence of axseed and lignans on colon carcinogenesis and beta-glucuronidase activ- ityGastrointestinal activity of dietary flaxseed lignans, omega-3 fatty acids and fibresFecal lignan and iso#avonoid excretion in premenopausal women consuming #axseed powderPHYSIOLOGY, ENDOCRINOLOGY, AND REPRODUCTION: Effects of f!axseed, sardines, pearl millet, and holy basil leaves on productic traits ...