英:[əzəʊtə'bæktə] 美: [əzoʊtə'bæktə]
azotobacter 基本解释
azotobacter 相关例句
- Azotobacter and Azospirillum also have plant growth regulation activity besides fixing N2.
固氮菌和固氮螺菌除固氮之外,也有调控作物生长的作用。 - The influence of pesticide on effect of nitrogen fixation of abiogenous Azotobacter was also determined.
还运用茚三酮显色反应检测农药对自生固氮菌固氮效果的影响。 - The influence of pesticide on effect of nitrogen fixation of abiogenous Azotobacter was also determined.
The meta Cleavage of Catechol by Azotobacter SpeciesThe Dissociation Constant of Nitrogen-Nitrogenase in AzotobacterIsolation of a new vanadium-containing nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii.Genome Sequence of Azotobacter vinelandii, an Obligate Aerobe Specialized To Support Diverse Anaerobic Metabolic ProcessesPhysical and genetic map of the major nif gene cluster from Azotobacter vinelandiiTwo NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductases of Azotobacter vinelandii and their role in the respiratory protectionCrystallographic structure of the nitrogenase iron protein from Azotobacter vinelandiiAssembly of Iron-Sulfur Clusters IDENTIFICATION OF AN iscSUA-hscBA-fdx GENE CLUSTER FROM AZOTOBACTER VINELANDIINucleotide sequences and mutational analysis of the structural genes for nitrogenase 2 of Azotobacter vinelandii.Crystallographic structure and functional implications of the nitrogenase molybdenum|[ndash]|iron protein from Azotobacter vinelandii