英:['bæɡɪ] 美: ['bæɡɪ]
baggie 基本解释
baggie 相关例句
Effect of organic residue and inorganic fertiliser phosphorus on phosphorus transformations and utilisation by upland riceCenturies Old Addressing Challenged in the BVIBeyond Books, Beyond Demonstrations: Using Real Experiments to Teach Elementary ScienceDecomposition and phosphorus release from organic residues as affected by residue quality and added inorganic phosphorusThe use of Sesbania (Sesbania rostrata) and urea in lowland rice production in Sierra LeoneAmeliorating acid infertile rice soil with organic residue from nitrogen fixing treesElectrical and optical response of a Mach-Zehnder electrooptical modulator to pulsed irradiationA simple active auxiliary commutation circuit for three-level invertersUtilisation by upland rice of plant residue- and fertiliser-phosphorus in two tropical acid soilsGenotypic response to aluminum toxicity of some rice.