BAS 基本解释
Bas is the Dutch name for Barry Hampshire. Notable people with the name include:以上来源于:Wikipedia
BAS 相关例句
The Bas-Relief AmbiguityThe Bas-Relief AmbiguityThe Bas-Relief AmbiguityBehavioral inhibition, behavioral activation, and affective responses to impending reward and punishment: The BIS/BAS Scales.On the abyssal circulation of the world ocean — II. An idealized model of the circulation pattern and amplitude in oceanic basinsEffect of pneumonia case management on mortality in neonates, infants, and preschool children: a meta-analysis of community-based tr...Inferring dispersal of aquatic invertebrates from genetic variation: A comparative study of an amphipod and mayfly in Great Basin sp...The incidence of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism among patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based co...Functional dissociation of paracellular permeability and transepithelial electrical resistance and disruption of the apical-basolate...Venous Thromboembolism, Thrombophilia, Antithrombotic Therapy, and Pregnancy: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Cl...