英:[bɪəˈʃi:bə, berˈʃevə] 美: [bɪrˈʃibə, bɛrˈʃɛvə]
Beersheba 基本解释
释义比尔谢巴(以色列南部一城市,位于耶路撒冷西南。在圣经时代它标定了巴勒斯坦南部的边界。人口114, 300);
Beersheba or similar may mean:以上来源于:Wikipedia
Beersheba 相关例句
Beer-ShebaBeershebaBeershebaSaint of Beersheba, TheThe Saint of Beersheba /Tel-Aviv-Beersheba train on track. (high-speed train)Designing expert systems–from Dan to BeershebaThe Excavations at Tell Abu Matar, near BeershebaUltraviolet measurements at the Dead Sea and at Beersheba.Solar energy research: Program in the new desert research institute in Beersheba ☆Fertility and perinatal and infant mortality in the Jewish population of Beersheba and the Negev, 1972Interviewing and the Selection of Medical Students: the Experience of Five Years at BeershebaPrevalence of psychiatric disorders in three primary-care clinics in Beersheba, Israel. Concurrent assessment by the General Health ...