benne 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Living on selling benne, he led a hard and poor life.
他靠卖胡麻为生,日子过得很清苦。 - Some place can cultivate traditional Chinese medicinal materials, also benne because local people eat benne as main oil.
Purification and characterization of an endonuclease from calf thymus acting on irradiated DNA double-stranded DNASODIUM AS A CROP NUTRIENT.Major transcript of the frameshifted coxII gene from trypanosome mitochondria contains four nucleotides that are not encoded in the ...The mechanism of action of protein synthesis initiation factors from rabbit reticulocytes.Purification and characterization of initiation factor IF-E3 from rabbit reticulocytes.Purification and characterization of initiation factor IF-E2 from rabbit reticulocytesPurification and characterization of initiation factors IF-E4 and IF-E6 from rabbit reticulocytes.U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building StockFunctional roles of group members.Short Chosen-Prefix Collisions for MD5 and the Creation of a Rogue CA Certificate