比利坚定的守护者德语男 Billy Joel 比利•乔: (1949~),是美国歌手、钢琴演奏家、作曲作词家。 Billy Wilder 比利•怀尔德: (1906~2002),犹太裔的美国导演、制作人与编剧家,作品包括《日落大道》、《失去的周末》等。
billy[ 'bili ]
n.a short stout club used primarily by policemen
同义词:truncheonnightstickbatonbillystickbilly club
male goat
同义词:billy goathe-goat
billy 相关例句
billy joel比利·乔(美国歌手)
silly billy[口]傻瓜;笨蛋
A short stick carried by police; a billy club. 警棍警察所持的短根; 警棍
"I threw a stone at him, "Billy answered, "and he quickly moved down." "我朝他扔了一块石子,"比利回答:"他赶紧蹲下。"
Everybody else thought Billy had broken the window, but Tom went to bat for him. 大家都认为是比利打坏了门窗,但汤姆帮了比利一把,说不是他。
Billy, are you up? 比利,起床了没有?
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