blameworthiness 相关例句
principle of blameworthiness归责原则
BlameworthinessBlameworthinessMoral Beliefs and BlameworthinessBlameworthiness and Frankfurt's argument against the principle of alternative possibilitiesDifficulty and Degrees of Moral Praiseworthiness and BlameworthinessNegotiation of responsibility: Judgments of blameworthiness in a natural setting.The attribution of blame : causality, responsibility, and blameworthinessEffect of Blameworthiness and Outcome Severity on Attributions of Responsibility and Damage Awards in Comparative Negligence CasesDefending the Principle of Alternate Possibilities: Blameworthiness and Moral ResponsibilityPerceived intentionality intensifies blameworthiness of negative behaviors: Blame‐praise asymmetry in intensification effect