Blitum 相关例句
Amaranthus blitum凹头苋
StrawberryBlite(Chenopodiumcapitatum,Blitumcapitatum)isan edibleannualplant,alsoknown asBliteGoosefoot,StrawberryGoosefoot,StrawberrySpinach,IndianPaint,andIndianInk.
草莓Blite(藜蓼,Blitum蓼 )是可食用的一年生植物,也Blite称为藜,草莓藜,菠菜,草莓,印度涂料,油墨和印度。
Amaranthus blitum vs. A. lividus (Amaranthaceae)Ausbreitung des Erdbeerspinats Blitum virgatum nach dem Waldbrand von Leuk, Wallis (2003)NEW NOMENCLATURAL COMBINATIONS IN BLITUM, OXYBASIS, CHENOPODIASTRUM, AND LIPANDRA (CHENOPODIACEAE)Action du CCC sur le comportement des Blitum: modalites nouvelles d'elongation et de floraison(540) Proposal to Reject Amaranthus blitum L. (Amaranthaceae) under Art. 69 in Favour of A. lividus L.Chemische Untersuchung der fetten Ole aus den Samen von -Amaranthus blitum Linn. var. oleracea DuthieEffect of varying pH on protein composition and yield of amaranth seed (Amaranthus blitum)An Alkaline Magnesium Dependent Inorganic Pyrophosphatase from the Leaf of Amarantus blitum L.The biology of Canadian weeds. 126. Amaranthus albus L., A. blitoides S. Watson and A. blitum L.Amaranthus bengalense (Amaranthaceae) a new species from India, with taxonomical notes on A. blitum aggregate