Bloomington 相关例句
- Shoppers watch the inauguration of President Barack Obama at the Best Buy Store at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn.
Yvonne Rainer, The Films of Yvonne Rainer . Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana university Press, 1989, 225pp.Signs and Systems, review of Signs of meaning in the universe, J. Hoffmeyer, 1996, Bloomington & Indianapolis
Medieval Regions and their Cities. By Josiah Cox Russell. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1972. P...Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh & Phil Warrick A SCHOOL LEADER S GUIDE TO STANDARDS-BASED GRADING Marzano Research, Bloomington USA, ...
The Ragas of North India. By Walter Kaufmann. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968. ix, 625 pp. I...
Managing the American Economy: From Roosevelt to Reagan. By Nicolas Spulber. Bloomington: Indiana Univer...
Peasant Fires: The Drummer of Niklashausen. By Richard Wunderli.Bloomington and Indianapolis, Ind.: Indi...
Ifa Divination: Communication between Gods and Men in West Africa. By William Bascom. Bloomington: India...
Praxis: Marxist Criticism and Dissent in Socialist Yugoslavia. By Gerson S. Sher. (Bloomington and Londo...D. Robert LaddJr,
The structure of intonational meaning: Evidence from English. Bloomington: Indiana Uni...