body of masonry
英:[ˈbɔdi ɔv ˈmeɪsənri:] 美: [ˈbɑdi ʌv ˈmesənri]
body of masonry 基本解释
body of masonry 相关例句
PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR BUILDING A BODY OF MASONRY AND PREFABRICATED BUILDING ELEMENT USED FOR THAT PURPOSEPROCESS AND DEVICE FOR BUILDING A BODY OF MASONRYConstruction Technique of Consolidation Grouting in Stone Masonry Dam Body of Dahemiao ReservoirOUT-OF-PLANE BEHAVIOUR OF SINGLE-BODY UNREINFORCED-MASONRY WALL RESTRAINED BY A FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGMThe Quality Control of Masonry Body ConstructionLIFE, DEATH AND MASONRY – THE BODY OF WILLIAM MORGANReasons and prevention measures for cracks in wall body of masonry structureSimulation of masonry out‐of‐plane failure modes by multi‐body dynamicsSeismic analysis and strengthening design of a masonry monument by a rigid body spring model: The “Maniace Castle” of SyracuseNonlinear analysis of out-of-plane masonry façades: Full dynamic versus pushover methods by rigid body and spring model