bongs 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- All this publicity is over a photo with a bong.
这一切公众宣传都在一张带有大麻烟斗的照片上。 - He grabbed the bong and a lighter and knew exactly what to do.
Dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensatesBose-Einstein condensation in dilute atomic gases.Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute atomic gasesCoherent Evolution of Bouncing Bose-Einstein CondensatesUltracold heteronuclear molecules in a 3D optical latticeDynamics of F=2 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates.A Waveguide for Bose-Einstein CondensatesLocalization of bosonic atoms by fermionic impurities in a three-dimensional optical lattice.Ultracold quantum gases in triangular optical latticesTuning of heteronuclear interactions in a degenerate Fermi-Bose mixture