boxiest 相关例句
It’sprobablytheboxiestandleastaerodynamicbicycle concept yet, butthemost interesting part ofYujiFujimura’sstrangedesignhasnothingtodo withlooks.
Nuclear Gas and Dust Disks in Nearby 3CR Elliptical GalaxiesNuclear Gas and Dust Disks in Nearby 3CR EllipticalGalaxiesBased on observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble SpaceTelescope, which...Motoring: AGILA THE FUN; REAR VIEW Mirror IN ASSOCIATION WITH Firestone Together Cheap as Chips and a Blast to Drive Mirror OPEL AGILAAlloy: a lightweight object modelling notationA specifier's introduction to formal methodsMulticasting with key wordsOn computing four-finger equilibrium and force-closure grasps of polyhedral objectsThe Adaptive Significance of Sequential Hermaphroditism in AnimalsGDR ( G enome D atabase for R osaceae): integrated web resources for Rosaceae genomics and genetics researchEvaluation of the Town Energy Balance (TEB) Scheme with Direct Measurements from Dry Districts in Two Cities.