
  • break

    英:[breɪk]   美: [brek] 

    break 基本解释










    v.(动词)vt. & vi. 打破,折断,弄坏 cause a thing to come into two or more pieces, either on purpose or by chancevt. 破坏,违反 fail to fulfil (an agreement), keep (a promise), or obey (a law)vt. 终止,中断 come to an end in some way; interruptvt. 透露,说出 speak outvt. 打破(纪录) do better thanvt. 削弱,减轻 fail, be destroyed, or suffer a complete lossvi. 破晓,突然出现 dawn, come suddenly into beingn.(名词)[C]裂口,裂缝; 破裂 opening by made breaking[C]间歇,中间休息; (电)断路 a pause for rest between activities[C]改变; 中断 change or interruption in sth continuous[C]机会 a chance[C]逃跑 an escape especially from prison[U]天亮,拂晓dawn



    n.some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity

    "there was a break in the action when a player was hurt"


    an unexpected piece of good luck

    "he finally got his big break"

    同义词:good luckhappy chance

    (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other

    同义词:faultfaultinggeological faultshiftfracture

    a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions)

    "they hoped to avoid a break in relations"

    同义词:rupturebreachseveranceriftfalling out

    a pause from doing something (as work)

    "we took a 10-minute break"

    同义词:respiterecesstime out

    the act of breaking something

    "the breakage was unavoidable"


    a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something


    breaking of hard tissue such as bone

    "the break seems to have been caused by a fall"


    the occurrence of breaking

    "the break in the dam threatened the valley"

    an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion)

    "then there was a break in her voice"

    the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool(tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving

    "he was up two breaks in the second set"

    同义词:break of serve

    an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity

    "it was presented without commercial breaks"


    a sudden dash

    "he made a break for the open door"

    any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare

    "the break in the eighth frame cost him the match"

    同义词:open frame

    an escape from jail

    "the breakout was carefully planned"



    "break a lucky streak"; "break the cycle of poverty"


    become separated into pieces or fragments

    同义词:separatesplit upfall apartcome apart

    destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragmentsrender inoperable or ineffectiveruin completely


    act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises

    "break a law"; "break a promise"

    同义词:transgressoffendinfractviolatego againstbreach

    move away or escape suddenly

    "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security"

    同义词:break outbreak away

    scatter or partforce out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up

    "break into tears"


    prevent completion

    "break off the negotiations"

    同义词:break offdiscontinuestop

    enter someone's property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act

    同义词:break in

    make submissive, obedient, or useful

    "The horse was tough to break"

    同义词:break in

    fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns

    同义词:violatego against

    surpass in excellence

    "break a record"


    make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

    同义词:unwrapdiscloselet onbring outrevealdiscoverexposedivulgeimpartgive awaylet out

    come into beingstop operating or functioning

    同义词:failgo badgive waydiegive outconk outgobreak down

    interrupt a continued activity

    同义词:break away

    make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeingcurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waveslessen in force or effect

    "break a fall"


    be broken in

    "If the new teacher won't break, we'll add some stress"

    come to an endvary or interrupt a uniformity or continuitycause to give up a habitgive up

    "break cigarette smoking"

    come forth or begin from a state of latencyhappen or take place

    "Things have been breaking pretty well for us in the past few months"

    cause the failure or ruin of

    "This play will either make or break the playwright"

    invalidate by judicial actiondiscontinue an association or relation; go different ways

    同义词:separatepartsplit upsplitbreak up

    assign to a lower position; reduce in rank

    同义词:demotebumprelegatekick downstairs

    reduce to bankruptcy

    "My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!"


    change directions suddenlyemerge from the surface of a body of waterbreak down, literally or metaphorically

    同义词:collapsefall incave ingivegive wayfounder

    do a break dance

    "Kids were break-dancing at the street corner"

    同义词:break dancebreak-dance

    exchange for smaller units of money

    "I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy"

    destroy the completeness of a set of related items

    "The book dealer would not break the set"

    同义词:break up

    make the opening shot that scatters the ballsseparate from a clinch, in boxinggo to pieces

    同义词:wearwear outbustfall apart

    break a piece from a whole

    "break a branch from a tree"

    同义词:break offsnap off

    become punctured or penetratedpierce or penetratebe released or become known; of news

    同义词:get outget around

    cease an action temporarily

    "let's break for lunch"


    interrupt the flow of current in

    "break a circuit"

    undergo breakingfind a flaw in

    "break an alibi"; "break down a proof"

    find the solution or key to

    "break the code"

    change suddenly from one tone quality or register to anotherhappen


    become fractured; break or crack on the surface only


    crack; of the male voice in puberty

    "his voice is breaking--he should no longer sing in the choir"

    fall sharplyfracture a bone of


    diminish or discontinue abruptlyweaken or destroy in spirit or body

    break 相关例句


    用作动词 (v.)~+名词
    • break a branch折下一树枝
    • break a case弄坏了箱子
    • break a clock弄坏了钟
    • break a cup把茶杯打碎
    • break a door弄坏了门
    • break a hole in a wall在墙上开个孔
    • break a journey中途下车
    • break a leg折断了腿
    • break a package打开包裹
    • break a safe弄坏了保险箱
    • break a secret泄密
    • break a stick将树枝折断
    • break a window弄坏了窗户
    • break an electric current断开电流
    • break bone折断了骨头
    • break code解码
    • break ground破土动工,开始实行
    • break one's head碰破头
    • break one's pencil折断了某人的铅笔
    • break one's promise食言
    • break one's rest妨碍某人休息
    • break one's sleep妨碍某人睡眠
    • break one's time侵占某人的时间
    • break reserves of ammunition动用储备的弹药
    • break silence打破沉默
    • break surface浮出水面
    • break the friendship破坏友谊
    • break the monotony打破单调
    • break the news to把…消息告诉…
    • break the record for high jump打破跳高纪录
    • break word说话不算数
    • break even打成平手
    • break forth迸发
    • break advisedly有意地破坏
    • break completely完全打破
    • break deliberately故意损坏
    • break distinctly明显地破坏
    • break easily易碎
    • break eventually终于破损
    • break gratuitously无端地破坏
    • break intentionally故意地打破
    • break threateningly毁灭性地破坏
    • break unreasonably无端地损坏
    • break violently猛地破裂
    • break away逸出,(云)雾消散,挣脱身子走开,分裂
    • break away from摆脱,与…断绝来往
    • break away from home离家出走
    • break down(车)抛锚,(物质)分解,(政府)垮台,(计划)失败,(组织)瓦解,(人)非常悲伤,(身体)垮了,(和谈)中断
    • break in强行闯进,打扰,插嘴
    • break in on打断,妨碍,侵扰
    • break off拆开,裂开,断绝(关系),停止,中断谈话
    • break off a few seconds停下几秒钟
    • break off from sb与某人绝交
    • break out(眼泪)夺眶而出,(疾病、火灾) 突然发生,(部队)突围,(战争)爆发
    • break out into生长,迸发出
    • break through现出,露出,冲破阻力向前,在某个领域有进展或突破
    • break up分解,驱散,打碎,使…分裂
    • break up a meeting驱散集会的人
    • break up the party分裂该党
    • break a bamboo stick across one's knee用膝盖把竹竿折断
    • break against撞在…而四下迸溅,碰…而使折断
    • break against the shore击岸
    • break for暂停工作去…
    • break for lunch停工吃午饭
    • break from脱离,摆脱,突然离开
    • break from a party脱离党
    • break from a prison越狱
    • break into闯入,突然开始,打扰
    • break into one's talk插话
    • break into sb's house闯入某人的家
    • break into song开始唱歌
    • break into splinters打得粉碎
    • break into tears突然哭起来
    • break of使(某人)戒除…
    • break oneself of a bad habit(自己)克服恶习
    • break on撞在…而四下迸溅,碰…而使折断
    • break on the rocks(浪)撞击岩石
    • break on the shore拍打着海岸
    • break out of逃脱,摆脱
    • break out of a dilemma从困境中脱身
    • break out of prison越狱
    • break over the reef盖过岩石
    • break through突破,挤过
    • break through the enemy's line突破敌人的防线
    • break to通知,告知
    • break under weight被重荷压垮
    • break with放弃,与…绝交
    • break with a friend与一个朋友绝交
    • break with an idea放弃某种想法
    • break with the army脱离军队
    用作名词 (n.)形容词+~
    • bad break严重的摔伤
    • coffee break暂停工作喝咖啡的时间
    • tea break暂停工作喝茶的时间
    • during a break at school学校的课间休息时间
    • break from the past与过去决裂
    • break in a dam堤坝上的裂口
    • break in one's way of living生活方式的改变
    • break in the bridge桥上的裂缝
    • break in the circuit电流中断
    • break in the clouds云层的缝隙
    • break in the concert音乐会中间休息的时间
    • break in the conversation谈话中断
    • break in the hedge树篱的缺口
    • break in the water mains总输水管的裂缝
    • break of the leg腿部的摔伤
    • break with the past与过去决裂


    break through突破;突围;有重要创见

    break up打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落

    break down分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服

    take a break休息一下

    break out v. 爆发;突发

    break in打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯

    break away脱离;放弃;逃跑

    break into闯入;破门而入

    break away from vt. 放弃;脱离……

    break of v. 放弃;改掉(习惯)

    break from v. 决裂

    break with v. 结束;与…绝交,和…断绝关系;和…决裂

    break off折断;突然停止,暂停

    break out of摆脱(束缚等);突破…

    elongation at break断裂伸长;断裂延伸率;破坏时伸长量

    break up with跟…分手;与…断绝关系

    break the law违法

    give me a break让我休息一下

    could break可能破碎

    make or break要么成功要么毁灭



    break, crush, crack, shatter, smash, burst, fracture









    destroy, break, wreck, ruin, spoil, damage








    pause, stop, break, interval, cease, recess, rest










    1. If you discover a fire, break the glass to sound the fire alarm.
    2. To frighten the dog, he broke a twig from the tree.
    3. What shocked the workers was that the boss had broken his promise.
    4. The spy had finally broken the code.
    5. One hates to break with an old friend.
    6. When she went to break the news to Harriet, however, Emma found her quite unperturbed by it.
    7. Their good cheer broke after repeated setbacks.
    8. Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.
    9. The cold spell broke yesterday.
    1. A break in the pipe was found out.
    2. There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.
    3. The audience certainly want the television programming without commercial breaks.
    4. The dog made a break toward the open field.
    5. He finally got the big break in life.


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