coming apart同义词:separationbreakupdetachment
v.to cause to separate and go in different directions同义词:dispersedissipatedispelscatter
discontinue an association or relation; go different ways同义词:separatepartsplit upsplitbreak
come apartbreak violently or noisily; smash同义词:crashbreak apart
make a break in同义词:interruptdisruptcut off
cause to go into a solution同义词:dissolveresolve
suffer a nervous breakdown同义词:crack upcrackcrock upcollapse
take apart into its constituent pieces同义词:disassembledismantletake apartbreak apart
destroy the completeness of a set of related items同义词:break
set or keep apart同义词:sever
attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example同义词:pick
release ice同义词:calve
close at the end of a session同义词:adjournrecess
bring the association of to an end or cause to break up同义词:dissolve
come to an end同义词:dissolve
break or cause to break into pieces同义词:fragmentfragmentizefragmentise
cause to separate同义词:dispersescatter
separate (substances) into constituent elements or parts同义词:decomposebreak down
laugh unrestrainedly同义词:crack up