Bremen 相关例句
werder bremen云达不莱梅
用作名词(n.)- Then we head for Bremen, then Hamburg, then Denmark.
然后我们开往不来梅,接下去是汉堡市,然后进入丹麦。 - The British were at the gates of Hamburg and Bremen and threatening to cut off Germany from occupied Denmark.
Regional innovation systems and the foundation of knowledge intensive business services. A comparative study in Bremen, Munich, and ...Back to the Bremen (1972): forum selection and worldmaking'Back on Straw’: The Experience of Shanghai Jewish Refugees in Bremen after Escaping German National Socialism, Enduring a Japanese...
Ansgar, Rimbert and the forged foundations of Hamburg-Bremen. By Eric Knibbs. (Church, Faith and Culture...
Die Sozialdemorkratische Partei in Bremen 1880–1914: Reformismus und Radikalismus in der Sozialdemokratischen ...Disease Control Priorities in Developing CountriesL'encombrement protéique limite la signalisation intracellulaireCooperative interception of neuronal apoptosis by BCL-2 and BAG-1 expression: prevention of caspase activation and reduced productio...Reversible bone loss in women treated with GnRH-agonists for endometriosis and uterine leiomyoma.Counts of wetland birds wintering in Loire-Atlantique - January 1999 Denombrements des oiseaux des zones humides hivernant en Loire-...