bridge abutment
英:[bridʒ əˈbʌtmənt] 美: [brɪdʒ əˈbʌtmənt]
bridge abutment 基本解释
bridge abutment 相关例句
- The bridge abutment No.0 sits on the foundation of rock-socketed pile groups embedded in thick soft groundsill.
桥台南侧为粉喷桩结合土工格栅处理的高填方路堤连接段。 - The percussive force endangers the safety of the bridge, while the abutment is subject to part of the seismic load because of the collision.
Bridge abutmentBridge-abutmentDesign of piled bridge abutments on soft clay for loading from lateral soil movementsLocal Scour at Bridge AbutmentsLOCAL SCOUR AT BRIDGE ABUTMENTSErratum: "Local Scour at Bridge Abutments"(April, 1992, Vol. 118, No. 4)Modelling of soil–structure interaction for a piled bridge abutment in plane strain FEM analysesEffects of Time and Channel Geometry on Scour at Bridge AbutmentsDesign and behaviour of a geosynthetic reinforced retaining wall and bridge abutment on a yielding foundationScour around spur dikes and bridge abutments