英:[b'rɪnɪʃ] 美: [b'rɪnɪʃ]
brinish 基本解释
brinish 相关例句
[Mixed sewage-industrial pollution in estuarial brinish waters. Decontamination possibilities. II. Chemical aspects][Mixed sewage-industrial pollution in estuarial brinish waters. Decontamination possibilities. I. Microbiologic aspects]Determination of Arsenic in Brinish Fish by Potassium Borohydride-cupron Silver Salt MethodThe Self and Personality StructureAdoptive Fathers and Birthfathers: A Study of AttitudesPeak-to-average power reduction in high-performance, high-throughput OFDM via pseudo-orthogonal carrier-interferometry codingAdapting molar data (without density) for molal models.Phylloplane mycoflora of pearl millet and its influence on the development of Puccinia pennisetiAspects Referring to the International Cooperation on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution1995 Biennial: film and video - Whitney Biennial of American Art