bronchogenic carcinoma
英:[ˌbrɔŋkəuˈdʒenik ˌkɑ:siˈnəumə]
bronchogenic carcinoma 基本解释
bronchogenic carcinoma 相关例句
Bronchogenic carcinoma.Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase inducibility and bronchogenic carcinomaBronchogenic carcinoma: analysis of staging in the mediastinum with CT by correlative lymph node mapping and samplingInhibition of interleukin 8 attenuates angiogenesis in bronchogenic carcinoma.Cyclic alternating combination chemotherapy for small cell bronchogenic carcinoma.Long-term outcomes following VATS lobectomy for non-small cell bronchogenic carcinomaCT and MR imaging in staging non-small cell bronchogenic carcinoma: report of the Radiologic Diagnostic Oncology Group.Evaluation of adrenal masses in patients with bronchogenic carcinoma using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.Prognosis and survival after resection for bronchogenic carcinoma based on the 1997 TNM-staging classification: the Japanese experie...The use of the nitrogen mustards in the palliative treatment of carcinoma. With particular reference to bronchogenic carcinoma