burglar alarm
英:[ˈbə:ɡlə əˈlɑ:m] 美: [ˈbɚɡlɚ əˈlɑrm]
burglar alarm 基本解释
复数:burglar alarms
burglar alarm
n.a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarma warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary
burglar alarm 相关例句
- A burglar alarm was rigged up in the restaurant.
餐厅里安装了防盗自动警铃。 - When his little sister Christina and little brother Mark became old enough to get into Jeff's bedroom, he rigged a buzzer to his door that would go off like a burglar alarm.
Burglar alarm
Burglar alarm
False Burglar Alarms
Burglar Alarms for Detecting Intrusions
The Burglar Alarm That Just Keeps Ringing: A Response to Zaller
Burglar alarms and the choice behavior of burglars: A suburban phenomenon
Active rescue-asking burglar alarm system and its method
Low-power X-band radar for indoor burglar alarms
[Digital acoustic burglar alarm system using infrared radio remote control]
A New Standard of News Quality: Burglar Alarms for the Monitorial Citizen
Bioluminescence in donoflagellates: a test of the burglar alarm hypothesis
Research and application of distress radio call system in case of line break about burglar alarm system