英:['bɪzənt] 美: ['bɪzənt]
byzant 基本解释
n.a gold coin of the Byzantine Empire; widely circulated in Europe in the Middle Ages同义词:bezantbezzantsolidus
byzant 相关例句
The Shaftesbury Byzant: A South of England Morris?W. FELICETTI-LIEBENFELS, Geschichte d. byzant. Ikonenmalerei : Byzantinische ZeitschriftThe Founder?s Tomb and Posthumous Honors: Women, Men, and Gods in the Discourse of Imperial Founding, Rome through Early ByzantiumAPPENDIX. MANUSCRITS, HISTOIRE DU TEXTE ET ÉDITION DE TRAITÉS MÉDICAUX ET PHARMACEUTIQUES GRECS ET BYZANTINS (1990—1992) : Byzan...MS-706 from the monastery of St. John the Theologian in Patmos, an 11th century manuscript containing letters by various Byzantine a...The Defensive Military Policy of Justinian I in the Balkans in the Context of Transformation of the Late Roman and Early Byzantine S...Gichon, M.: En Boqeq: Ausgrabungen in einer Oase am Toten Meer: Band I Geographie und Geschichte der Oase; Das spätrömisch-byzanti...The Venice Alexander romance, Hellenic Institute codex Gr. 5 : a study of Alexander the Great as an imperial paradigm in Byzantine a...Duchowni na bizantyńskim dworze. Małgorzata Beata Leszka, „Rola duchowieństwa na dworze cesarzy wczesnobizantyńskich”, Byzanti...Dr. Fr. Grivec (Professor an der Universität Laibach), Cerkveno prvenstvo i edinstvo po bizantinskem pojmovanju. Doctrina Byzantina...