CAA 基本解释
abbr.Civil Aviation Authority 民用航空管理局;
CAA 相关例句
The Core Competence of the Corporation (See Comp QUOTE p13 re CAA)Cellular antioxidant activity (CAA) assay for assessing antioxidants, foods, and dietary supplementsResponsabilité de l’Etat pour cause de marées vertes : bis repetita. Note sous CAA Nantes, 23 décembre 2014, Ministre de l’Éco...Psr Campania, Caa: ricorso degli agronomi e forestali al TarDETECTION OF Hb CONSTANT SPRING [alpha 142, Term -> Gln, TAA > CAA (alpha 2)] IN HETEROZYGOTES COMBINED WITH beta-THALASSEMIALily Allen, The Beaches, Francis and the Lights & Sam Gellaitry Sign With CAACAA Signs Future, SZA, Kehlani and more, while Lil Yachty and Migos Stay With ICMContemporary accounting researchThe Formulation and Atmospheric Simulation of the Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3)A bifurcated hydrogen-bonded conformation in the d(A.T) base pairs of the DNA dodecamer d(CGCAAATTTGCG) and its complex with distamy...