英:[siˈzeəriən] 美: [sɪˈzɛriən]
caesarian 基本解释
caesarian[ si'zεəriən ]
n.the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)同义词:cesarean deliverycaesarean deliverycaesarian deliverycesarean sectioncesarian sectioncaesarean sectioncaesarian sectionC-sectioncesareancesariancaesareanabdominal delivery
adj.relating to abdominal delivery同义词:cesareancesariancaesarean
of or relating to or in the manner of Julius Caesar同义词:Caesarean
caesarian 相关例句
Caesarian sections in developing countries: some considerations
Which policy for caesarian sections in Brazil? An analysis of trends and consequences
Possible effects of emergency caesarian section on the mother--child relationship
An ectopic pregnancy developing in a previous caesarian section scar.
"Ancient Caesarian Lawyers"in a State of Nature: Roman Tradition and Natural Rights in Hugo Grotius's "De iure praedae"
Post‐partum leucocytic activity and its relationship to caesarian section and retained placenta
Effects of Vaginal Delivery and Caesarian Section on Plasma Renin Activity and Angiotensin II Levels in Human Umbilical Cord Blood
Women's experiences of Caesarean section and vaginal birth after Caesarian: a Birthrites initiative.
Application of lumbosacral spinal anesthesia for ovine Caesarian surgery and for vasectomy under field conditions
Are non-diabetic women with abnormal glucose screening test at increased risk of pre-eclampsia, macrosomia and caesarian birth?