calcitic 相关例句
calcitic cementation钙质胶结
calcitic limestone方解石
calcitic dolomite 方解白云岩 ; 钙质白云岩 ; 方解石质白云岩
calcitic type方解石式
calcitic dolostone方解石白云岩
calcitic marble石灰质大理石
calcitic c dolomite方解白云岩
Limestonebearingdolomiteandcalciticdolomitearethemainreservoirrockswith reference to the componentofdolomite.
The former are mainlydevelopedin the coarsesilt grained, euhedral andsemi-euhedralcrystallinecalciticdolomites occurring in the lower partof thefirstmember of the Doushantuo Formation.
Calcitic microlenses as part of the photoreceptor system in brittlestars.
Are calcitic layers an effective adaptation against shell dissolution in the Bivalvia?
Strong kinetic effects on Sr/Ca ratios in the calcitic bivalve Pecten maximus
The nature and formation of calcitic columnar prismatic shell layers in pteriomorphian bivalves
Morphogenesis of calcitic sponge spicules: a role for specialized proteins interacting with growing crystals
Nano-cluster composite structure of calcitic sponge spicules--a case study of basic characteristics of biominerals
Intracrystalline macromolecules are involved in the morphogenesis of calcitic sponge spicules.
Caspartin and calprismin, two proteins of the shell calcitic prisms of the Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis.
Soluble organic matrices of the calcitic prismatic shell layers of two Pteriomorphid bivalves. Pinna nobilis and Pinctada margaritif...
Biologically Induced Reduction in Symmetry: A Study of Crystal Texture of Calcitic Sponge Spicules