Cambridge 相关例句
cambridge university剑桥大学(位于英国的世界著名大学)
university of cambridge(英国)剑桥大学
cambridge school剑桥学派;新古典学派
用作名词(n.)- Cambridge is in eastern England.
剑桥在英国东部。 - He was once rusticated in Cambridge.
他在剑桥大学上学时曾一度被勒令停学。 - Fergus won a scholarship to Cambridge.
The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) of Small Molecule Crystal StructuresThe Cambridge structural database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and risingThe Cambridge Structural Database: a quarter of a million crystal structures and rising.Numerical recipes: the art of scientific computing : Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986 (ISBN 0-521-30811-9). xx + 818 pp...Maddala, G. S. Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983, xi + 401 pp...Plans and situated actions: The problem of human-machine communication : Lucy A. Suchman, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 19...Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy. By Habermas Juergen . Cambridge, MA: MIT Pres...Morphometric Tools for Landmark Data: Geometry and Biology. Fred L. Bookstein, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991. No. of p...
The Swastika and the Stage: German Theatre and Society, 1933–1945. By Gerwin Strobl. Cambridge: Cambrid...